EcoStruxure Building Advisor does not connect by default to the Automation Server and the request to EWS returns a HTTP 401 error
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Building Operation SmartX Server
EcoStruxure Building Advisor
Required configuration in EBO to enable EcoStruxure Building Advisor
An EBO connection to EcoStruxure Building Advisor requires MD5 authentication to be enabled, disabling it in EBO will result in EcoStruxure Building Advisor being unable to connect. The “Allow authentication with MD5 hash” can be enabled under the EBO Security manager.
During the TLS handshake process, both the EcoStruXure Building Analytics Data Transfer Service (DTS) and EBO negotiate to use Sha384 encryption regardless of whether MD5 is enabled/disabled in EBO.
With MD5 enabled, the use of Sha384 encryption works as expected. With MD5 disabled, the use of Sha384 encryption does not work and the request to EWS returns a HTTP 401 error.
MD5 is disabled by default in EBO v2.0 and later.