The controller installation guides detail how to display the values in Water Column (WC), but how can this be displayed in metric units?
Product Line
Andover Continuum
- Infinet controllers (i2865 & i2865-V, i2866 & i2866-V , i2885, i2885-V, i2850 &i2853 )
- BACnet controllers (b3865 & b3865-V, b3866 & b3866-V , b3885, b3885-V, b3850 & b3853)
A conversion to metric units (Pascals) is needed.
i28xx type of Infinet Controller has 0-2" WC (Water Column) range which corresponds to 0-2V so the input value can be read directly in WC.
- The 850 has a single airflow sensor on channel 8
- The 853 has two airflow sensors on inputs 7 and 8
- For 865, 866, and 885 the airflow sensor is on Input 7
- Always use input type Voltage
- Set the units to Pascals
- The following conversion can be used on the conversion line:
ElecValue * 500
The i28xx-V type of Infinet Controller has 0-1" WC (Water Column) range.
- For 865-V, 866-V and 885-V, the airflow sensor is on Input 7
- Always use input type Voltage
- Set the units to Pascals
- The following conversion can be used on the conversion line:
ElecValue * 250
For controlling the Damper motor output
- Create an Infinity Output point of type Triac on Channel 1
- It can then be opened/closed like any other Triac output with the use of On, -On or Off commands.
- Also see Setting up the override value to show the damper feedback on an i2/B3 866-V for details on reading the damper feedback on the i2/b3886-V.