Electrostatic Discharge Required: Always discharge static electricity from your person by touching metal prior to handling any hardware. Failure to do so may result in damage to devices.
Potential for Data Loss: The steps detailed in the resolution of this article may result in a loss of critical data if not performed properly. Before beginning these steps, make sure all important data is backed up in the event of data loss. If you are unsure or unfamiliar with any complex steps detailed in this article, please contact Product Support for assistance.
One way conversion: Conversion of b4920 to b3920 is not reversible, once the b4920 controller has been converted to b3920 device, it cannot be converted back to b4920.
A b3920 device has failed in the field and the only available replacement at hand is a b4920
Product Line
Andover Continuum, EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Continuum b4920
The b4920 is a Continuum BACnet router its hardware is almost identical to that of the b3920 device, the only difference is the Ethernet port in the b4920, which is not populated in the b3920.
When a b3920 must be replaced, and the only available replacement is a b4920, use the steps outlined in this article to convert the b4920 to a b3920.
Before starting the procedure, you need the following items:
- The b4920 device to be converted.
- The serial number of the b4920 device to be converted.
- Continuum Cyberstation with b4920 to be converted, configured, and online. (***)
- A RoamIO2 and BACnet Service Tool
- A special firmware b4920 application upgrade file provided by Product Support
- A b3920 bootloader file provided by Product Support
Steps to convert b4920 into b3920
- Contact Product Support and request the b4920 to b3920 conversion files. You will be provided with an application file (e.g. b4920toB3920B4.500077.upd) and a boot loader file (e.g. B3920BootB4.500077.upd).
- From Continuum Workstation, take note of the baud rate of the MSTP operating under the b4920 (In Comm1 settings)
- From Continuum Cyberstation, edit the b4920 controller object and take note of the BACnet Device ID and the controller Serial Number, typically they will be the same but this is not always the case.
- In the "General" tab, click 'Update OS' and send the Application file provided by PSS. Please note that once the application file has been sent and the controller re-starts, its MSTP will shut down and RoamIO2 is required to re-start the MSTP for operation as a b3920, the reason for this is Continuum uses mac id 0 (zero) for router controllers such as the b4920 and the bCX4040, in Continuum, b3 devices are not allowed to use mac id 0.
- Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the b4920, the Ethernet port is now unusable.
- Connect the RoamIO2 directly to the b4920's Service Port then cycle power to the b4920.
- Start the BACnet Service Tool
- In the BACnet Service Tool, de-select View by networks, then click the connect icon, the conversion from b4940 to a b3920 causes the now b3920 device to come up with an unknown baud rate and an invalid (for b3s) mac id 0, so now need to find out the baud rate the converted b3920 is using
- From the "View" menu, select "RoamIO2 Properties and take note of the MAC ID the RoamIO2 is using
- From the 'Tools' menu, select 'Set b3 baud rate' and set it to Baud9600, and click apply
- From the 'Tools' menu, select 'Set offline b3 MAC id' and enter the serial number of the device and a valid MAC ID ( DO NOT ENTER ZERO NOR THE MAC ID IN USE BY ROAMIO2), then click on 'Apply'
- If you get the message below, repeat the steps above for the next baud rate...
when you have found the correct baud, you will see the message below after setting the MAC ID - Once the baud and MAC id have been set successfully, the device will automatically pop up in the tree, but it will only be partially online, to bring the device fully online, click the red disconnect icon on the BACnet Service Tool to disconnect from the device, wait about 30 seconds then click the now green connect icon to reconnect the BACnet Service Tool to the device
- Right-click on the device, then select 'Update OS' and send it the appropriate boot loader file provided by Product Support
- Once the uprev of the boot loader has completed, click 'Done' button to dismiss, select the device, right-click and select 'Cold start device', and click 'Yes' on the confirmation window
- You should now be able to commission the converted device as a b3920, either as a new device or as a replacement device, following the steps for replacing a b3 device. (those steps are not in the scope of this procedure)
b4920 controllers are not easily defaulted to factory settings. If one gets an old b4920 from the shelf, use the steps below to find out the controller's current IP address and ACCNetId which are needed to put the controller online in Continuum.
Upon start-up the b4920 sends a gratuitous ARP, use Wireshark to connect directly to b4920 controller using a crossover Ethernet cable, restart the controller, and inspect the gratuitous ARP to determine the IP address configured in the b4920
Once you have the IP address, use the attached utility tool to discover the ACCNetID of the b4920.
Unzip the attached file and use the Windows Command Line to execute FindEnodeID.exe as seen below