How is time synchronized between the Controllers and Security Expert Server?
Product Line
EcoStruxure Security Expert
- Security Expert Server
- Security Expert Controllers (SP-C, SP-ACX, SP-AC1, SP-DCU)
Require details on different ways the Controllers can have their time set.
There are two methods for synchronizing time on the Controllers.
- Periodically updated by the SNTP Time Server configured under the controllers Time Update tab. (Note: the controller polls its SNTP Time Server every 11 minutes.)
- Without an SNTP Time Server configured, time is updated on the Controllers by the following methods.
- Time is updated manually by the Operator right-clicking the controller and selecting Set controller date/time. This will set the controllers time to the current time of the Workstation.
- Time is updated to the server time whenever a “Force Download” is initiated for that controller.