How can a Continuum and a Schlage AD Series integration system be configured to unlock different doors, on the same controller, on different time schedules?
Product Line
Andover Continuum
- Continuum Schlage Xdriver
- Schlage AD Series locks
The documentation states, "Unlock schedule is supported, only one schedule point per controller."
There is only one door unlock schedule allowed per controller. You must use the xDriver point. Therefore, there is no way to unlock different doors, on the same controller, on different time schedules using the door force unlock schedule on the door editor options tab.
However, you can create additional schedules, but instead of attaching them to the door unlock schedule, the schedule will trigger a PE program and toggle the door permanent unlock attribute. Be aware that the PermanentUnlock Clear event is not captured. If this method is used, the customer could only see the permanent unlock event and not the Clear event.