On a SmartStruxure workstation PC how can the Menta communication port be changed.
SmartStruxure 1.5
The Menta setup application is not added in the start menu.
This exe is located in the StruxureWare install files and can be run to change the communication port for a direct RS232 connection
This file is located in the following directories
64bit systems
C:\Program Files (X86)\Schneider Electric StruxureWare\Buildings Operation 1.5\Workstation\Menta Setup.exe
32 bit system
C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric StruxureWare\Buildings Operation 1.5\Workstation\Menta Setup.exe
Run the Menta Setup.exe and add the communication port that Menta will use.
For the first time the other settings must be entered as detailed in this image.