Can alarms in an Enterprise Network Controller (ENC) station 'pop up' on a computer without an Enterprise Network Server?
I/A Series G3
Alarms configured in an ENC station are normally sent to the Enterprise Network Server's Alarm Portal for alarm notification.
Alarms in the ENC are required for to 'pop up' on a computer not installed with the Enterprise Network Server.
The Alarm Portal can be separately installed and licensed on a computer without the Enterprise Network Server. The installation package for the standalone Alarm Portal can be downloaded from The Exchange Download Center.
- Access the Alarm Portal installation package within The Exchange Download Center.
- Locate the version and download the Alarm Portal installation zip file.
The part number for this standalone alarm client is ENS-ALM-CON-G3. Install the Alarm Portal to generate the hostId and request for a license using the Alarm Console License Request Form.
The Alarm Portal can also function as the Alarm client for an Enterprise Network Server station.