Can TAC BACnet (Viconics) thermostats have identical names or device ids within sub networks using their default names?
Product Line
Andover Continuum, EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Viconic BACnet Thermostats
- BACnet
- B4
Viconic stats need a unique address and unique name across the entire BACnet network.
- BACnet Viconics thermostats must have a unique name and device id across the entire BACnet network.
- The BACnet data link layer has two key parameters: the device object name and the device object ID.
- The device object name must be unique from any other BACnet device object name on the BACnet network (i.e. not just the MS/TP sub-network).
- Typically this question comes up because a thermostat will not come online.
- Run an acctrace during the Find and you will probably see a duplicate MAC address.
- Once you have given unique names and comm addresses to each of the thermostats on the entire BACnet network, these devices should communicate and come online properly.
- Each of the Viconic stats are given a unique name that includes the address (once it has been made unique)
To change the communication address:
- Hold down the menu button until the option for menu comes up
- Answer the questions for the various options and eventually you will be brought to change comm address.
- Change Comm address, select Yes and then use the up or down arrows to give this MSTP Viconic stat a unique address.
There is a Configuration Tool to access and edit the name and device id unique naming scheme. Click here for
Installing and using the Viconics Configuration Tool on a Windows Laptop
- You will need a serial adapter connection to tie into the MSTP bus that the thermostat(s) are connected to
- Select the Viconics folder >
- You can install this ZIP file in any directory you wish, but the bacdocm.ini file must be installed on your C:\Windows directory.
- Use the bacdocm.ini file to configure your network settings at the Configurator Tool level.
- You can set the MAC address of your tool, the baud rate of your connection (max 38400 - limited by the RS-232 to RS485 port and Windows) etc.
- The "Our Device Instance" value represents the MAC address of the tool which must be unique on the MSTP network.
- Also the "MaxMaster" value must be set to a higher value than the highest MAC value on the MSTP network.
- You can edit this INI file to modify your settings OR you can modify the settings by going though the BACdoor Configuration Tool.
- Once you launch the Configuration Tool, you'll notice a white applet appearing at the right bottom of your screen. That is the BACdoor MSTP sniffer that actually looks for devices and objects.
- If you click on that icon, and select the "Configure" tab, a configuration window will be displayed. Select the baud rate at which you want to communicate with your device. This BACdoor configuration does the same thing as changing the BACDOCM.ini file (if properly located in C\Windows).
- Launch the Configurator Tool application. It automatically looks for devices on that network (at the baud rate set in the bacdocm.ini file or in the BACdoor Configuration window). If no device is detected an error message will pop-up after 1-2 minutes. All discovered devices will show up in the "Device List" you have to "Connect to device" in order to list all the objects of that device. After you changed the Baud Rate, you have to click on the "Apply changes" button.
- Don't forget that the max speed of this tool is 38400. For the first connection, you need to power cycle the thermostat (if it was running at 76800 previously) so that it auto-detects the 38.4 network.
- Once you set it to 76.8, you can not connect to that thermostat with the tool because of that 38.4 limitation. Also this tool does not support Read Multiple Property so it reads every property of every object one at a time.
- In its default mode of operation, the device will automatically match its baud rate to the baud rate of the network. Automatic baud rate detection will occur when the MS/TP communication port is initialized (on power up). If the network speed is changed, the device will keep listening at the previously detected speed for 10 minutes before resuming auto-bauding. Re-powering the devices will force right away auto-bauding.
- SE7xxx series requires the tool. The SE8xxx series does not as access is available through the menu on the device.