ACX5720 or ACX5740 backup to flash renders error message: "Unable to backup objects to flash for controllername_\XKD06.51_MCD. Backup to flash failed.,WS3,conrollername_\XKD06.51_MCD"
Product Line
Andover Continuum
- Flash Backup
- AXC5720
- ACX5740
Failure to backup to Flash
- Before claiming a faulty controller, it could be a corrupted point or program. Disable all the programs, and try backing up the controller.
- Disconnect everything except communication and power, and try to backup to flash again. If you have tried to re-flash and it still is giving this error, the controller might be the issue. Email support with the results if this controller still will not backup to flash:
- For configuration and operation program write operations to flash, a counter is incremented for each save and you need to create the numeric INFFlashDisabled to monitor the number of write operations. When the 2000 limit is reached, INFFlashDisabled is set to a non-zero value and logs an error. Using CyberStation, reset this value to 0 and reboot the controller to enable write operations.