7790A LAN Interface Unit and Information.
Why is the 7790A not shown in my Network Configuration
Product Line
- I/NET Seven Software v2.45
- 7790A LAN Interface Unit (LIU)
- 7791A Door Processing Interface (DPI)
- 7792A Micro Regulator Interface (MRI)
- 7793A Micro Control Interface (MCI)
Information about the 7790A LAN Interface Unit or LIU
Confusion is usually with the Hardware Model when purchasing.
Once installed and configured for one of the three common options above, firmware (software) is downloaded to the hardware device (7790A) to become one of the three indicated interfaces, DPI, MRI, and MCI.
In the later release of I/NET Seven Software only supports the 7793 MCI.
Refer to TCON109 attached for further information.
The 7793 has two channels and will handle 32 devices on each channel if addressed correctly. This gives a total of 64 SCU units on a single 7793. The 7790A can be addressed using the HHC to a 7790, 7791, 7792, 7793, 7797. The 7790A replaces the 7797A-C as of January 1, 2013.
The original 7791 was primarily for Access Control.
The original 7792 was primarily for HVAC.
The 7793 is a combination for both and the most popular of the 7790 series.
To clarify, when purchasing a 7790A, you would address as a 7793, then put up to 32 SCUs on each of the channels giving you a total capacity of 64 SCUs.
For access control, the model 7798C has more memory but only one Channel, which means it can handle up to a maximum of 32 SCU controllers and the recommended interface for larger access control sites.