In Citect 7.5 we had tested a system with M580 PLC in which we used Array
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Posted: 2019-10-3010:54 AM. Last Modified: 2021-01-1107:53 AM
In Citect 7.5 we had tested a system with M580 PLC in which we used Array
In Citect 7.5 we had tested a system with M580 PLC in whcih we used Array variable tags for memory word, for example Variable name -Autoseqtime Address-%MW100[50] with MODNET protocol. This variables is used in cicode to write data to PLC. This is one time write and the variable is not used in Graphic page for display. This variable was considered at single tag in Citect 7.5 Now when we run the same project in Citect 2016, it is considering each element of array as citect tag and the tag count is '50'. How to solve this??
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Posted: 2019-10-3010:55 AM
@Anonymous user THINAKARAN, Can you share exact way how you checked the tag count, while i had a quick check with 2015; in the kernel menu i could see the total tags shown is considering the Array as well. Probably we would need to investigate this more via a technical case raised to customer care with details of 2015 & 2016 versions and the application backup.
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Posted: 2022-07-2305:58 AM
Any progress for this issue so far? i am dealing with alike situation at the moment for PSO 2021. I created some tags as array variable and referenced to their elements in trend-alarm grid etc.
I wonder if every element of an array will be counted as a seperate tag? if this is going to be the situation then surely there is a bug that needs to be fixed.