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Posted: 2025-01-0203:49 AM
All look good but some clarification as it relates to the battery calibration. This procedure requires a minimum of 30% attached load connected to the outputs.
This procedure is very tough on the battery cartridge. As the cells are rated to endure 260 full depletion cycles from new.
As such a battery calibration should only be done once a year or when a new cartridge / cells are installed to obtain the most accurate (displayed) operational runtime on the system.
Ensure you update the energy / CO2 costs in the NMC. If your system has the option to enable / disable Green Mode leave it on.
Event / Data logs: Change the retention value from 1500 / 30000. 1500 for NMC 2 cards and 30000 for NMC 3 cards. If the system has a NMC 3 card change the interval from 10 to 5 minutes.
Power Settings: Leave the sensitivity in normal mode.
Output Voltage: Adjust both upper and lower voltage transfer to 127 / 106 VAC.