APC UPS for Home and Office Forum
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Posted: 2021-06-29 08:04 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 01:08 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-29 08:04 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 01:08 AM
Hi Gents,
I'm a new user in your forum,
We're currently using a traditional dual 30KvA UPSs that having a problem (internally and with the stationary batteries).
I fought to introduce the new Symmetra PX 40, our current load is 20KvA, and we are planning to add new Blade and SAN enclosures.
We have a large generator with ATS ready. The local APC dealer here offered us with symmetra PX 40 N+1 scalable to 80 with 40 battery units.
My concerns are:
- Is the UPS capacity will be enough for our current and coming expansion?
- Is there any potential failure on the new UPS (when output power disappears) because this is our biggest nightmare?!
- What is the heat capacity (BTU) of the UPS (for cooling purpose)?
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Posted: 2021-06-29 08:04 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 01:08 AM
1) Is the UPS capacity will be enough for our current and coming expansion?
- You mention have dual 30KVA UPS, do you mean you have 2 30KVA UPS? Its hard to say if a 40KW will be enough or if you will need the 80KW Symmetra PX. There is also the new PX2 which can go all the way up to 500KW. It really will depend on the actual power draw you are expanding too. You may want to take into account expansion over the next 5+ years as well. If you go with a frame for a PX or PX2 that can handle much more than your current load you can always start off with only a few power modules and then add them as your power needs grow.
2) Is there any potential failure on the new UPS (when output power disappears) because this is our biggest nightmare?!
- This is assuming you will have a redundant power module. Each power module is an individual unit (10KW) and can be removed for repair without disruption to the load. These units also have built in static switches that provide a safe means of transferring the load off of the ups without interruption during critical repairs and maintenance.
3) What is the heat capacity (BTU) of the UPS (for cooling purpose)?
- 11884.00 BTU/hr full load of 40kva/kw and 22744.00 BTU/hr full load of 80kva/kw.
I hope this answered your questions. If you want to pursue this course I would strongly urge you to contact APC sales and they can help size everything up and give you the cost of different solutions so you can compare them.
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Posted: 2021-06-29 08:04 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 01:08 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-29 08:04 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 01:08 AM
Hi Gents,
I'm a new user in your forum,
We're currently using a traditional dual 30KvA UPSs that having a problem (internally and with the stationary batteries).
I fought to introduce the new Symmetra PX 40, our current load is 20KvA, and we are planning to add new Blade and SAN enclosures.
We have a large generator with ATS ready. The local APC dealer here offered us with symmetra PX 40 N+1 scalable to 80 with 40 battery units.
My concerns are:
- Is the UPS capacity will be enough for our current and coming expansion?
- Is there any potential failure on the new UPS (when output power disappears) because this is our biggest nightmare?!
- What is the heat capacity (BTU) of the UPS (for cooling purpose)?
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Posted: 2021-06-29 08:04 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 01:08 AM
1) Is the UPS capacity will be enough for our current and coming expansion?
- You mention have dual 30KVA UPS, do you mean you have 2 30KVA UPS? Its hard to say if a 40KW will be enough or if you will need the 80KW Symmetra PX. There is also the new PX2 which can go all the way up to 500KW. It really will depend on the actual power draw you are expanding too. You may want to take into account expansion over the next 5+ years as well. If you go with a frame for a PX or PX2 that can handle much more than your current load you can always start off with only a few power modules and then add them as your power needs grow.
2) Is there any potential failure on the new UPS (when output power disappears) because this is our biggest nightmare?!
- This is assuming you will have a redundant power module. Each power module is an individual unit (10KW) and can be removed for repair without disruption to the load. These units also have built in static switches that provide a safe means of transferring the load off of the ups without interruption during critical repairs and maintenance.
3) What is the heat capacity (BTU) of the UPS (for cooling purpose)?
- 11884.00 BTU/hr full load of 40kva/kw and 22744.00 BTU/hr full load of 80kva/kw.
I hope this answered your questions. If you want to pursue this course I would strongly urge you to contact APC sales and they can help size everything up and give you the cost of different solutions so you can compare them.
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