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Posted: 2021-06-2806:41 PM. Last Modified: 2024-03-2602:59 AM
How do I know if my RBC17 needs replacing?
I have a Back-UPS 700 (BE700-UK) which I've replaced the battery in once before (when the LED showed red), the unit seems to be working fine apart from occasionally going nuts with a loud diminishing chirping noise for about 30 seconds (could this be a self-test routine?), sometimes it cuts power to the outputs for a few seconds when this happens which is annoying, luckily it's only powering my TV and PVR, however when there is a genuine power outage the UPS kicks in and powers the connected devices fine.
The single LED shows green, not red (which means replace battery). Looking at the RBC17 serial number it looks like it was from 2012 (7A1206L25446). I don't want to replace the battery just because it's 'old'.
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Posted: 2021-06-2806:41 PM. Last Modified: 2024-03-2602:59 AM
We expect batteries to last 3 to 6 years but some do last longer. The unit should run a self-test every 14 days. If the self-test fails based on the age of your battery you should replace the battery.
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Posted: 2021-06-2806:41 PM. Last Modified: 2024-03-2602:59 AM
We expect batteries to last 3 to 6 years but some do last longer. The unit should run a self-test every 14 days. If the self-test fails based on the age of your battery you should replace the battery.