APC UPS for Home and Office Forum
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Posted: 2021-06-29 05:36 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 11:03 PM
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Posted: 2021-06-29 05:36 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 11:03 PM
I have an APC Back-UPS RS 1000 for several years now, always performed nicely until a couple of weeks ago. Symptoms:
WHile connected to the mains outlet, randomly and suddenly, the buzzing noise of the (ondulator?) was heard (as if there was a power failure from the grid, but without the beeping sound of the UPS) and the appliances connected to it would shutdown after 1 or 2 seconds (UPS cuts the power to its own outlets)
This became more and more frequent.
After this event if I tried to restart the UPS it would either light the red light and beep, as if there was an overload, or simply would make the ondulator(?) buzzing noise and roughly 7 seconds after it finished the buzzing sound the power to the UPS outlets would be cut off.
If I waited some time and tried to restart the UPS again it would work (most of the times) only to shutdown unexpectedly some time after, could be an hour, several hours... But this time tended to shorten and now I cannot simply use the UPS because it constantly fails on me.
Is there a simple repair solution for this? The batteries seem to be in good working order since the light "replace battery" neveer lit.
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Posted: 2021-06-29 05:36 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 11:02 PM
Hello Jon,
By any chance have you tried turning the UPS on with no loads attached? If you haven't done this yet, could you please remove all the loads attached to the unit and turn it on. Please take note of what would happen on the UPS. Can you also provide the exact model number of the UPS, this can be found underneath the UPS on a small barcode label.
If the unit continues to show the red overload LED and or keeps on buzzing and dropping the load, the unit had encountered a fault and needs replacement.
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Posted: 2021-06-29 05:36 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-21 11:02 PM
Hello Jon,
By any chance have you tried turning the UPS on with no loads attached? If you haven't done this yet, could you please remove all the loads attached to the unit and turn it on. Please take note of what would happen on the UPS. Can you also provide the exact model number of the UPS, this can be found underneath the UPS on a small barcode label.
If the unit continues to show the red overload LED and or keeps on buzzing and dropping the load, the unit had encountered a fault and needs replacement.
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