APC Back-UPS 1500 Battery Charge indicator blank and flashing
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Posted: ‎2024-02-2510:33 AM
APC Back-UPS 1500 Battery Charge indicator blank and flashing
New UPS purchased thru Amazon. Connected battery per instructions and powered on. Battery Charge indicator blank and flashing. Removed and re-installed battery to reseat connections; also checked battery voltage which is 19.6 vdc. No change to Battery Charge indicator. BX1500M / 3B2107X67815. Sticker on battery: 0M-10120E-001 / 3A2107X27518.
I think my problem is a relatively old battery manufactured before 07/2021 and the battery voltage is too low for the UPS charger to recognize and recharge.
Would appreciate clarification on whether my reasoning is correct so I can provide that to Amazon when I return the item.
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Posted: ‎2024-02-2706:01 AM
You have several options which really comes down to trust and confidence.
Per the user manual any problems encountered with a new unit should be addressed by APC. If you contact them directly and relay the same information. Once they have identified the battery is the root cause they will send out the same for free. If there are other issues that pertain to the unit they would simply replace the entire thing.
Amazon: You can certainly return the product back for a full refund. But should understand you have a 50/50 chance of receiving another unit with an old battery inside. Depending upon who the seller is there is a lot of NOS (New Old Stock) just sitting on shelves until sold.
Amazon has three sales channels which are shipped & sold by Amazon. The second is shipped by Amazon and sold by third party seller. The last is shipped & sold by third party seller. All three have different return / refund terms. 🤦‍♂️