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Posted: 2022-12-1910:13 AM
425 continuous beep and red light
So, I read some solutions but my issue is slightly different. I had a 1 sec power failure/surge. The 425 started a long continuous beep with a red light. I turned it off and waited a few seconds but it kept flashing from green to red and beeping. So I turned it off and unplugged all devices, waited a minute or 2 and then plugged in 2 into the surge protector and 1 less than before into the backup. I turned it back on and the red light went away. Any ideas what might be an issue. The backup plugins do not have a huge power drain. A modem, wifi antenna and backup NAS.
Will you be able to share the exact model of the UPS and the wattage drawn by your load? I am thinking that the device might be showing an overload condition or a hiccup.
Plug your load one at a time and each time you plug them, unplug the UPS from the wall outlet to see if you could replicate the issue.
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