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Posted: 2021-06-28 09:28 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-15 12:29 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-28 09:28 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-15 12:29 AM
Hello all,
I have a rack filled with 6 servers,five of them are BLADE server(dell M600) in DELL PowerEdge M1000e Blade Enclosure ,one is R200 was configerd as management server, and they are plugged into an APC 3000. I have installed the power chute software on one of the servers (the agent and the server software and console) and have connected the USB cable from that management server to the APC. The software works fine and discovers that server.
My question is how can I administration the other 5 servers? I tried to install just the agent but the agent then wants to look for or have you specify how the server is connected to the apc.
Id like to be able to monitor the other 5 servers so if the power goes out it will gracefully shutdown all the servers in the rack.
My proplem the R200 shutdown Correct but the other severs shown a power failer message in windows starts up
Thanks for any help or suggestions you all can provide. I really appreciate it.
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Posted: 2021-06-28 09:28 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-15 12:29 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-28 09:28 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-15 12:29 AM
Dear Sir:
First,Thank you for your fast responce.
seconed i got AP9619 to try using shutdown Via the network. and i traid to download PowerChute Network shutdown software from the link that you send but when i wen there i found (No downloads were found.)and i try assigned IP of the management card inside the UPS using MAC Address with ARP Command but i Culdent done it.and please why coludent add any server in Device List with the normal software even though all server are shown when i press discvoring but the onley server can add wich conected direct to the UPS.
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Posted: 2021-06-28 09:28 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-15 12:29 AM
hi mustafa,
Powerchute Business Edition relies on PHYSICAL connections to the clients you want to shutdown so that is why the UPS wont be detected on those other agents.
you essentially have two options to acheive a graceful shutdown:
1.) Via the network - You would need to get an APC Network Management card for your UPS which goes inside the Smart Slot. The larger UPSs are shipped with one from the factory. This method operates via the network. On each server that is plugged in for power to the UPS, you can install our PowerChute Network shutdown software and then you give it the IP of the management card inside the UPS. The software looks to this IP for UPS status information such as when its on battery. You can also shutdown based on different events - such as if communication is lost with the management card or if you rather have the server shutdown the UPS has been on battery for 5 minutes, versus running the batteries down to 0%. You can also just shutdown the servers when the battery gets low if you choose. PowerChute Network Shutdown is seen here: [Click to view link|http://www.apcc.com/tools/download/software_comp.cfm?sw_sku=SFPCNS223&id=127&family=&part_num=&swfam...]
This is the least expensive option for more than 3 computers and is very easy to set up. I highly recommend it.
2.) Via serial cables - You would need to get some type of interface expander to give you more serial ports. [Click here to view the options|http://www.apcc.com/products/family/index.cfm?id=60]. One option uses the smart slot on the UPS it only gives you two simple signaling ports (simple meaning the UPS can only speak to the server to tell it to shut down if the battery is low). The other option is an 8 port interface expander which plugs into the single serial port on the UPS. You will get 8 serial ports. There is not a lot of customization with this option and a lot more cables are needed. Also, this costs more money (the 8 port anyway) but is good if you have no network connectivity.
What you seem to be mentioning was the Powerchute business edition which has 3 parts - agent, server and console. The agent is to be installed on the computer(s) directly connected to the UPS via serial cable. So if you used the interface expander, there is a special option in the agent to tell it its using an interface expander. The software then gets a signal from the UPS to shutdown and the agent gracefully shuts down the computer. The server would would be installed on a windows machine and basically centrally monitors the agents (up to 5 for basic edition). The console is just a GUI that attached to the server so you can monitor the agents all in one window. This is only used with serial (and certain USB connections). This doesnt shutdown over the network
I hope this clarifies everything for you. I recommend looking at the AP9617 management card and then you can get the powerchute network shutdown from the link above. The AP9617 is the basic management card we sell and we have a couple of others with additional options like out of band management and environmental monitoring..Futhermore, the management card monitors the UPS so you can set up custom email alerts and it has an event and data log to keep an eye on the UPS.
[Click here to view the management cards|http://www.apcc.com/products/family/index.cfm?id=98]
Let us know if you have any other questions!
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Posted: 2021-06-28 09:28 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-15 12:29 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-28 09:28 PM . Last Modified: 2024-03-15 12:29 AM
Dear Sir:
First,Thank you for your fast responce.
seconed i got AP9619 to try using shutdown Via the network. and i traid to download PowerChute Network shutdown software from the link that you send but when i wen there i found (No downloads were found.)and i try assigned IP of the management card inside the UPS using MAC Address with ARP Command but i Culdent done it.and please why coludent add any server in Device List with the normal software even though all server are shown when i press discvoring but the onley server can add wich conected direct to the UPS.
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