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Posted: 2021-06-2604:54 AM. Last Modified: 2024-03-1901:17 AM
Trade-in vs. replace batteries
We currently have a Symmetra PX SY20K40F (two power modules, 4 rows of batteries), plus an expanded batter frame that is also filled to capacity (8 rows). The UPS and most batteries are now 6 years old, and the batteries are overdue for replacement. (I've run some battery tests, and at best the batteries are holding 65% of the charge). The room cannot take any more weight without significant structural work.
The question is, does it make sense to replace the batteries, or is there a way to get more runtime with a new unit? Is the
Symmetra PX circa 2004 any different than what is sold today beyond maintenance upgrades? We've always maintained the extended warranty on the UPS so it's otherwise in great condition.
Additional details - we want to stay N+1 compliant on power modules, so we would probably purchase another power module since we are running between 44 and 46% utilization.