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Posted: 2024-12-3006:41 AM
SMT3000RM2U UPS Questions
Good morning. I'm new to the forum here, and pretty new to using a UPS. I recently acquired a used UPS (model number in the subject above). I have a few questions I was looking for some help with.
1. I am trying to reset the network card so I can set a static IP address on my network. I am getting as far as the option on the front screen where you can switch the network card between DHCP or Manual. When I select manual, I start to change the IP address, then suddenly after about 20 seconds, the screen times out and goes blank, erasing whatever changes I did. Any ideas on why the screen is timing out / going out as I interact with it?
2. I bought this unit used obviously. How can I determine the condition of the batteries? How can I go about buying replacement batteries?
3. Is there a way to set up email alerts for when the power goes out and the UPS kicks in with battery power?
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Posted: 2024-12-3105:45 AM
Hi Matt,
1. You can change how the LCD behaves from always on, dim, auto off. For now change it to always on. Regardless, you should be making all changes via the web interface.
2. Condition: The service life of the batteries are rated for 2-5 years based on usage, temperature, and environmental conditions. The battery cartridge and battery cells all have a production date so reference those.
A physical inspection of the cells, fuse, wiring, and connections is a must to insure no corrosion and leakage.
Load Test: You can get a general idea of the battery health by completing a static & dynamic load test.
Static: The battery should be 100% charged with no load’s attached on the system. Remove AC Mains from the wall outlet. Time how long the system operates for with a stop watch.
Dynamic: Complete the same test with at least 30% attached load. Compare this runtime with the APC Runtime Calculator.
You’ll want to use their load (wattage) for a more accurate comparisons! ☝️ The runtime calculator is based on (NEW) cells at a specific ambient temperature.
Regardless, if you see 5 minutes vs 60 for whatever load - replace. If you see 35-45 minutes vs 60 a new cartridge / cells should be scheduled in the near future.
The most accurate determination of the battery health is measuring the internal resistance of each cell and referencing it to the battery makers data sheet. It will indicate the internal resistance will be 10~25 mOhms.
The above measurement can only be done using a conductance meter (NOT) a standard multimeter set to resistance (Ohms) ! ☝️
The LCD Menu - About will indicate the APC RBC so will the NMC.
3. SMTP: All of this and more can be set up in the NMC Webpage.