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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:42 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
Hello together
At the moment I'm trying to get this to work but as you can imagine it won't work.
Test situation:
1 ESXi host with installed license!
1 vMA-
2 SmartUPS 2200
I installed the vMA and on top "PCNS224_VIMA41".
I configured PCNS for multiple devices.
I added the ESXI host as target via vifp addserver
I configured the ESXi to shutdown/start VMs with the host.
The PCNS software has registered successfully on both UPS management cards.
The communication seems to work. If I unplug the power cables the PCNS EventLog.txt sais:
PowerChute Network Shutdown version 2.2.4 started
Management Card communication has been established
Management Card communication has been established
Communications have been established
UPS is running on battery power.
UPSs have switched to battery power
Shutdown process started. Linux will shut down soon.
Multiple Critical Event occurred: OnBattery, UPSTurnOffInitiated
Multiple UPS turn offs have been initiated.
and so on ...
BUT nothing happens.
It seems that the ESXi gets no shutdown signal, at least I can't see anything in the ESXi's log.
Maybe there is a Problem with the shutdownhost.pl in /opt/APC/Powerchute/group1/bin
if run it manually ./shutdownhost.pl
Can't load '/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/libvmatargetlib_perl.so' for module vmatargetlib_perl: libtypes.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/DynaLoader.pm line 230.
at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/VMware/VmaTargetLib.pm line 10
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/VMware/VIFPLib.pm line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/VMware/VIFPLib.pm line 10.
Compilation failed in require at ./shutdownhost_o.pl line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./shutdownhost_o.pl line 16.
I found a Solution for that in the VMware community:
I changed the name of the shutdownhost.pl to shutdownhost_o.pl
I created a new script called shutdownhost.pl.
export PATH
Now the scripts runs but it seems that there are some operations/parameters missing. Maybe PCNS adds them if it calls the script.
Any ideas?
Are there some additional logs where I can see what's probably wrong?
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:44 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:44 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
Good morning
No haven't tried version 3.0 yet.
And just on a vMA.
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
Thanks for the heads up.
Is it possible for us to try this on PowerChute Network Shutdown 3.0?
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
I am having the same exact error in PCNS 3.0.0
APC UPS with a NIC.
ESXi 4.1 U1 installed on a HP server. License is vSphere Essentials Kit.
vMA 4.1 installed on the ESXi host.
APC PowerChute Network Shutdown installed on vMA, [following these instructions, starting on p.6 bottom|http://www.apcmedia.com/salestools/PMAR-8EMDEM_R0_EN.pdf]
This was all set up ~1mo. ago with latest available software.
We tested this setup by simulating a power outage. ESXi did not shut down gracefully, it just lost power, as if it never received the shutdown command from PCNS.
I learned from [this page|http://blog.rebelit.net/?p=118] that you can trigger the shutdown command by executing the shutdown script manually. I get errors when I execute it -- see attached file.
There are 3 files in that directory: notifier, shutdown, and shutdown.pl. Is my syntax correct? Am I executing the right file?
I edited the 'shutdown' file -- see attached file. (the PCNS instructions don't include this)
I have triple-checked all APC NIC and PCNS settings, they all seem correct. Why is the perl script erroring out?
If you need any more info on the environment let me know. Thank you.
Crossposted to VMWare forums here: http://communities.vmware.com/message/1778053
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
Hello again
Your linked procedure is pre installation, isn't it?
I'll give it a try.
And for us it doesn't matter if we use 2.2.4 or 3.0, it only has to work properly π
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
If you wish to proceed on using PCNS 2.2.4, please follow the steps outlined on this APC Knowledgebase.
[Procedure for running PCNS 2.2.4 installtion patch on VMware vMA 4.1|http://nam-en.apc.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/11144/kw/11144]
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
by the way ... who's right, PCNS installation or the knowledgebase?
The knowledgebase says:
sudo cp shutdown /opt/APC/PowerChute/group1/bin/shutdown
but the scripts is called shutdown.pl
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
Meanwhile I tried PCNS3.0 on Windows 7 x64 with two UPS and one ESXi 4.1 host.
It works!
If both UPS are on battery, PCNS launches a PowerCLI script which sends a shutdown command to the ESXi. ESXi waits xxx seconds to shutdown guests properly and then itself.
Maybe I'll try the vMA solution again.
For PCNS 2.2.4 I got a download link from the APC support for a vMA edition.
With PCNS 3.0 what version is the right one? for Linux or ESXi?
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
Good morning
Finally I got it π
The file "shutdown" from the patch does what I already mentioned in my first post.
# Patch for PCNS-1635
perl *./bin/shutdownhost.pl* operation shutdown username xxxxx --password xxxxx
1. So you just can run shutdown if you copy it to /opt/APC/PowerChute/group1 or edit the path to ./shutdownhost.pl if both scripts are located in the bin dir.
2. You better don't touch the original shutdownhost.pl π
But now it works also with vMA and PCNS 2.2.4 + Patch
But will PCNS on vMA directly use this script if I configure "Shut Down System" or do I need to use "Run Command File" and call the shutdown script?
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
I haven't tried it personally but most of our customers who followed the kbase that I gave you got it working. With regards to PCNS 3.0, this is the first time that I've encountered the issue that was posted above.
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
Are you using the paid version of VMWare and have you tried PCNS 3.0?
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
That's good to hear Patrick.
Just a reminder the script that comes from APC/PCNS should never be edited or changed. If a customer edits our script, we will not be supporting it.
PowerChute Network Shutdown calls the script shutdown and that calls shutdownhost.pl he does not need to do anything as long as he copies the shutdown script to the proper place as indicated in the APC Knowledgebase Article.
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:40 PM
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
I'm experiencing almost exactly the same problem as user Patrick1, so I don't open a new thread.
I have set up ESXi 4.1 with (patched) PCNS 2.2.4. The ESXi is visible when issuing a "sudo vifp listservers". Everything seems to be communicating, calling the shutdown script manually also gives a message
Connecting to server localhost ...
Operation :shutdown
Version on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:
Folder :host
Host :
Shutting down host
but nothing happens.
Is calling the shutdown script trough the shell an appropriate way for testing the ability to shut down?
Is there something additional that must be done to enable the communication between PCNS and ESXi?
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
Hi Lucky,
Unfortunately you will need to purchase a licensed copy of VMWare. We do have an APC Knowledgebase Articles regarding this .
[VMware ESXi server not shutting down when commanded to by PowerChute Network Shutdown.|http://nam-en.apc.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/10727/kw/paid%20vmware]
It also says it on the [PCNS Compatibility Chart|http://www.apcmedia.com/salestools/SJHN-7AYQNP_R25_EN.pdf]
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:43 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
Hey there!
I know the thread is old, but the topic is still relevant to me.
Would PCNS work with the VMware vSphere Essentials Kit listed here http://www.vmware.com/products/datacenter-virtualization/vsphere/small-business/essentials-kits.html ? This seems to be the cheapest one (495$ + 65$), the others are too expensive for my budget. Prices are listed here: http://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/pricing.html
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:44 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
Hi Patrick,
Have you tried using the latest PCNS 3.0? Also, do you have a viMA installed on the ESXi as well or just the vMA?
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:44 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
That's good to hear Pat.
Here is the download page for PCNS 3.0, it is categorized by Operating System - [PCNS 3.0 Download|http://www.apc.com/tools/download/software_comp.cfm?sw_sku=SFPCNS300&id=127&family=127&part_num=SFPC...]
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:44 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
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Posted: β2021-07-08 11:44 PM . Last Modified: β2024-02-14 11:39 PM
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