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Posted: 2025-01-1507:37 AM
NMC restarts after login
I have been hitting a wall finding issue like this. I have 2 of 3 devices in a remote office that shows the NMC restart after supplying login credentials, so I can never get in. One of them is sending SMTP messages out showing it restarts. On my end, all I see is a hang and eventual web page timeout. Monitoring pings shows it drop and restart.
Ironically, the only reason I was logging in is to change the SMTP server address.
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Posted: 2025-01-1604:31 AM
Please call out the model and what NMC firmware is currently installed. Both information can be obtained via the LCD Menu if present.
The model number can be seen physically on the face of the NMC card. The NMC has a watch dog timer and will reset the network link if it detects a problem.
I would highly suggest you move the Ethernet cable to another port and see the results. If there are three NMC in the same building having issues I would be looking at that switch really hard.
Especially the verbose logs on the switch to determine when this started and the frequency.