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You can export the list of equipment to a file.
Click Export in the top right corner to open the export dialog.
Select items to export.
Choose the columns you want in the new report. You can also select custom properties.
Select file format, Excel or CSV.
Click Export and wait for the file to generate.
IT Advisor presents query results as a table with columns representing item properties.
To edit the column configuration in the Inventory Global view, click Equipment browser. To edit the column configuration in a room, click Table view.
Click the arrow on the left navigation bar to see query details.
Click Select Columns.
Select or deselect the columns and click OK to save your changes.
Drag and drop the columns to change the way the columns are displayed.
The table displayed on the Equipment Browser page shows equipment in the system according to your preferences. The equipment and how it is displayed depends on the columns and filters you configure.
Filtering equipment in the equipment browser
Switch to the location you want to search in.
Click the equipment browser tab in top right corner.
The equipment browser is empty by default. To start searching, define your criteria and click Run.
The equipment browser allows you to save filter configurations for later use. Every user can have a personal list of saved queries.
What is stored in a saved query?
Filter configuration, with values
Columns configuration, with order
Sorting configuration
Results table row height
Number of elements to be loaded on scrolling down
How to define a new saved query
Go to the filter panel and prepare some filters.
Enter the query name at the top of the menu.
Click Save.
The new query will appear in the list under Saved Queries.
How to run a saved query
Click the Play icon next to the name of the saved query. mceclip1_360007655638.png
Note: Administrator users can make saved queries public for all users. mceclip0_360007655638.png
Defining a saved query in the floor view
For each saved query, you can set the color and view the items found by the query.
You can see saved queries in the Saved queries overay in the web client.
Select a query to see the color coded items on the floor view. Click the round icon to select the color.
You can set filters on the equipment browser to show only the assets you want to see.
The equipment browser allows filtering by standard model properties like name, manufacturer, part number or barcode and by assigned custom properties.
Click Select Filters in the left panel to select or deselect available filters.
Click Run. The first 50 results are loaded; scroll down to load more results.
Filter properties
The behavior of each filter depends on its properties:
Operator can change the way of filtering.
Column comparator can compare two columns.
Filter operators
Contains Value: Property value contains filter value.
Not Contains Value: Property does not contain given value.
Equal Value: Property value is exactly equal to filter value.
Greater Than Value: Property value is greater or equal to filter value.
Less Than Value: Property value is lower or equal to filter value.
Value Between: Property value should be between two defined edge filter values
Value Defined: Property value is defined, for example, it cannot be empty, or in the case of custom property filters, a custom property should be assigned to the device.
Empty: Property has no value assigned.
How to change the operator type
Find the filter you want to change.
Click the operator icon to see a list of available operators for your filter.
Select the desired operators.
The equipment browser allows sorting by any one column.
To sort, click the column header for the property you want to sort by. Click again to change the order.
Note: Sorting by type or location is not supported.