Full inventory search
- If there's only one server matching your search, the system drills right down to it, opening the rack layout, highlighting the server, and showing the property tiles on the right.
- If more than one item fit your search, you can select from this limited list of items rather than browsing everything.
The ITA web client / Tenant Portal supports not simply exact string matches, but also character patterns using partial strings or wildcards:
- Full String
- Begins-with partial string
When the search text entered is found in the beginning of the words (e.g. for equipment with name "Blade enclosure 23 1", partial search works for searched entries: Bla, encl, 23, 1. - Wildcard characters (supported: *, #, %) (e.g for equipment with name "Blade enclosure 23 1", wildcard search works for *ade, *clos*, *clos#, *closu%.
- Minimum amount of characters to be entered for a search is 2 characters, except when there is a string or substring with a single character in the name/property of the equipment. In this case single character search is possible.
Note: This is different from the behavior in the desktop client where search only returns results from the rooms you have opened on your local machine.
Equipment browser
Use magnifying glass icon in the welcome page or opened location view to open equipment browser. It allows you to browse both floor-mounted and rack-mounted equipment in the entire inventory. You can find exact equipment you are looking for - even from multiple different rooms.
Results are presented in table the center of the screen with support for infinite scrolling. Columns order can be changed by dragging and dropping its header. Clicking column header changes sorting. Each row in the table can be clicked to show panel on the left side of the screen that provides the same functionality as standard inventory view.
You can narrow down results using filters available in the left panel:
- Location - single room or single location
- Type - multiple equipment types at once
- Name - equipment whose name starts with typed value
- Manufacturer
- Model
- Barcode
- Serial number
- Installation date
- Custom Properties
After creating perfect set of filters and columns you can save it for future use using "Saved queries" section located at the top of the left panel.
Finally, all results can be exported as CSV file using icon in top right corner.
Note: This is different from the behavior in the desktop client where search only returns results from the rooms you have opened on your local machine and limits them to first 1000.
Quick search in open room
Use the quick search box appearing in the left corner when a room is open to search for any piece of floor-mounted equipment in this room. This allows you to quickly navigate in a large room to locate a specific piece of floor-mounted equipment.
The quick search does not work in the same way as the full inventory search and does not support wildcards, etc. It is simply meant as a quick way to find floor-mounted equipment in a large open room layout. Start typing the first characters of the equipment you want to locate and the search immediately lists the matches in the room.
Search using:
- Full string
- Partial string
When the search text entered is found in a word, need not be at the beginning of the word (e.g. for equipment with name "Blade enclosure 23 1", partial search works for searched entries: lad, ncl, losur.