Facing error while export from vijeo designer basic V2.00.73 and import in vijeo designer V6.2.12.2054
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Posted: 2024-10-1105:55 AM
Facing error while export from vijeo designer basic V2.00.73 and import in vijeo designer V6.2.12.2054
Out project is developed in Vijeo designer Basic V2.00.73 and now we need to convert in to the Vijeo Designer V6.2.12.2054 so we are trying to export Userfolder with existing screen via User folder and export to desktop .ztc and import in the Vijeo Designer V6.2.12.2054 but found attached error can anyone help me to convert attached project
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Posted: 2024-10-1306:15 AM
Contact you Local SE support team. They should have the possiblity to convert the project. Vijeo Designer Basic and Vijeo Designer are not completly compatible. The basic version has drivers and functions which are not included in Vijeo Designer and vis a vis.
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