Communication between M340 and Cube20 I/O module with Ethernet/IP
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Posted: 2025-03-1004:22 AM
Communication between M340 and Cube20 I/O module with Ethernet/IP
Hello all,
I'm a french student working on a project. I bought a M340 PLC with at least a NOC0401 on it.
The PLC is working, I've set a IP@ on it.
I also have a Cube20 BN-E/IP DI8 module, working with Ethernet/IP protocol.
Both have IP@ on the same network. From my laptop, I can ping both.
Now I'm trying to read inputs from my Cube20 on my PLC.
I added it in the "DTM Browser" as Generic EDS Device DTM and configured IP@. I'm able, from the DTM Browser on Control Expert to "Connect" to the Cube20 (right clic on it and CONNECT).
I don't know what to do from now. Any suggestion ?
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Posted: 2025-03-1012:32 PM
Do get the implicit data exchange going you have to configure IO instances and data sizes. Double click your generic DTM in DTM browser and you should see screen similar to the attached screenshot. You need to configure what I highlighted in yellow. You get that information from device manual. I am looking at file 56005_hdb_e_16.pdf downloaded from Murr Electronic website. On page 25 it gives you instance numbers and starting on page 22 it tells you how to obtain data size. Once you set it up you should be good to go and you see data in your device DDT.