EcoStruxure IT Advisor: IT Optimize (on-premises deployments only) provides insight into the IT layer of the data center through integration with external IT systems.
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Configure IT asset discovery to allow scanning of the external system's network subnets to continuously monitor changes in the power and CPU utilization of the running servers. These values will be available inIT Advisor.
InPlanning > Device Association, right-click an IT Optimize serverin theUnassociated Devicespane and selectConfigure Discovery, or double-click a server in theITO Discoveriesview (in 7.3.5,Server Discoveriesview).
Follow the steps in the wizard to configure the subnets one by one.
Specify the network range properties: Type a subnet name and the IP range.
Specify the protocols and credentials for accessing the data on the servers. Recommended protocols:
WMI for discovery of Windows systems
VMware for discovery of ESXi/VMware Guests
SNMP for discovery of blade chassis configurations, Linux and Unix systems
SSH for discovery of Linux
Choose whether to run a discovery immediately or schedule a discovery either at a specified date and time or repeatedly at a specified interval.
You can also access the discovery configuration by clickingDiscoveries: 0in the status bar. If accessed from here rather than right-clicking a server, you must specify which server to configure the subnets as the first step.
You can use the reported power and CPU utilization values to find and manage underutilized servers.
Recommended protocol for discovery of Windows systems Requires Windows account credentials with local administrator rights on all discovered windows servers. In multi-domain environments, the account will also require the "Distributed COM Users" group. Specification of a domain-based user is optional but recommended to simplify deployment.
Recommended protocol for discovery of Blade Chassis configurations. SNMP is also used to poll Linux and Unix systems. SNMP V1 and V2 are supported. SNMP V3 is supported from version 7.3.6. Discovery requires a read-only SNMP community name, typically public.
Recommended protocol for discovery of VMware ESX servers and their guests
Uses VMware's vSphere APIs to discover ESX hosts.
The user account can be configured on the ESX host using VMware's Infrastructure or vSphere client. The account must be local to the ESX server and it must at least have the "read-only" permission. The account does not require shell access to the ESX server.
Discovery of VMware Servers through Virtual Center is currently not supported.
If "Discover Guests" is selected, any VMware guests on the ESX server will also be discovered and polled.
Recommended protocol for discovery of Linux and Unix servers
Supports discovery of Linux and Unix systems using SSH V2 protocol. SSH V1 is not supported.
Discovery of Linux servers requires "root-like" access to several commands, so use of the "root" account or a non-root user with "root-like" access is recommended. IT Optimize also supports the use of "sudo" to allow root-access to the specific commands.
Discovery of Solaris, HPUX, and AIX is also supported if you deploy a script called "viriditylisthw". Root access is not required on Solaris and AIX to run the script, but it is required on HPUX.More...
Polling is completed on all Linux and Unix servers using SNMP with a read-only community string. This means the SNMP protocol must be enabled for Linux/Unix client discoveries.
Required for discovery of servers to enable power capping. (Communication through UDP port 623. For further information, see the Intel documentation).