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In Tools > Preferences > Capacity History, you can set up the system to collect and save Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a specified period of time. This is an IT Advisor: Capacity feature.
Once you have enabled the feature and configured when you want the system to collect the data, and for how long you want it to be saved, the system stores the data on the server and makes it possible for you to access and analyze critical data over time. You can use the data for creating custom trending reports, display on the dashboard and integrate with external systems through web services. Read about the API
For example, a standard built-in report allows you to create a report with the current amount of available U-positions in one or more data centers. However, you may want to know the development over time in available u-space. The saved KPI data allows you to access this data.
123 Steps to...
Setting up the system to save KPI data
In Tools>Preferences>Capacity History, define the KPI data recordings.
In Record data, select the interval between the recordings, e.g. Daily.
In Clear data, select the interval between clearing the data, e.g. After 1 year, or select Never to keep storing the data indefinitely. You can start using the data for a trending report after more than one day.
Creating a trending report In Analytics>Reports, select Capacity History in the list of available reports and define the filter options. 1. Select a rack and a Date Range, for example the last week. 2. Select to include the data type, for example Available U-space, and click to generate the report. The capacity history trending report shows with a graph of the amount of available U-positions per day in the Report View and can be printed or exported.
If you are planning to reuse the same selections, e.g. for a monthly report showing the development in space capacity, click the Save Filter As icon and name the report template, e.g. Monthly U-space, to have it preset and ready for you to push the generate button once a month.
Exporting capacity history When you have generated a report, you can export and use the data in other applications, e.g. Excel or .csv format by clicking the Export icon at the top of the report view.