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Available for IT Advisor on-premise installations only
You can lock editing for the name, serial number, and barcode associated with a device from an ETL import in the External System Configuration option of the desktop client. The web client and REST services will reflect the same locking.
ETL Import Integration in External System Configuration
Association of external device to a ITA modeled device
You can use the standard release ETL import scripts if you don't have any other scripts: /sources/modules/etl/server/com.apc.etl.server/resources/pentaho/internal/import/import release test suite
The device will have the locked properties value set by the ETL Import value in the Planning > System Setup > External System Configuration option.
Use the edit function to configure the transformation, import job, file path, etc.
During setup, choose to lock the property values for name, serial number, and barcode with a value from the external system.
You can choose all three properties, or just the ones you want.
Verify that you cannot manipulate the value in the desktop client, the web client, or through the Asset REST web service end-point.
In the desktop client, find the associated device look up the general properties to verify the property lock.
In the web client, the corresponding properties will also be locked for editing.
To verify the REST API, check that the properties: nameLocked, barcodeLocked, serialNumberLocked have been set according to above configuration.
Available for IT Advisor on-premise installations only
One of the ways to integrate with external systems is using the Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) system.
The ETL system creates databases which can be accessed directly by 3rd party tools and solutions. It also allows scheduled execution of transformation scripts on the IT Advisor server. Together this gives the ability to extract and enter data on the IT Advisor server.
Based on the ETL system, it is possible to develop custom solutions, integrating ITA with a broad range of data sources.
Available for IT Advisor on-premise installations only
You can import manual breaker panel measurements into ITA by importing the values from a preconfigured Excel workbook through an ETL configuration. You can then include your manual power measurements on each of the circuits in a PDU in the automatic power capacity calculations in ITA.
You'll need to:
Create a staging database on the ITA server
Setup an ETL server configuration to read from the staging database
Select to create the Excel template in the ITA import wizard, enter your manual power measurements, and save the file
Import the saved file, including your measurements, into ITA.
About the Excel file
When importing data from an Excel file into ITA, you must use a fixed format for the Excel file to ensure the data is compatible and can be processed by ITA.
A button is available in the import wizard to automatically create a workbook template based on the latest solution data from the server to ensure the data is compatible.
It is important that you use the template from the ITA server, and generate the latest version of it in case of an update rather than using an older version since the template includes information about the current fields in ITA, new equipment added, or changes made to the breaker panel layout.
The Excel file contains information about the power equipment, customer information (equipment assigned to customer, ITA for Colo feature), and allows you to enter current (Amp) and power (kW) measurements.
About entering measurements
The only data you should change in the Excel is this:
Date and Time (to specify when the measurements where taken)
Power Factor (which is remembered separately for each PDU)
You can enter your power measurements as both Amps and kW. Do not delete kW values, even if you use Amps for your measurements only, as ITA needs the kW values for the automatic capacity calculations.
If you want to use the import functionality to update existing measurement values, provide the same timestamp.
Access to the web client (user with admin rights)
Access to desktop client (user with admin rights)
If importing power measurements into multiple rooms in ITA, you you need access to the rooms for which you want to import power measurements.
Step-by-step instructions
Create an ETL staging database (first time only).
Log in to the web client
Go to Configuration > Manage ETL Configurations.
Click Add ETL Configuration .
In the New Configuration / Database window, create a new internal import database, providing details about the database, Configuration name, Database name, user, password and Allowed IP addresses and ranges. In the New Configuration / Transformation window, select transformation type BreakerPanelMeasurements, define the location of the xls_folder (ex: /data/pentaho/import). In the New Configuration / Schedule window, schedule the frequency. Finish the configuration by clicking on the Submit button.
Get the Excel workbook template from the ITA server, enter and save your measurements in this file.
Open the ITA desktop client and, in the Planning>Data Center perspective, open the rooms to which you want to import your manual power measurements. This is a necessary first step as only the open rooms will be available for selection in a later step.
Select File>Import>Manual Power Measurements from Excel Workbook.
Follow the first steps in the Import manual measurements form Excel workbook wizard.
To export the template workbook for a set of rooms as it says in step 1, click Create template file... and select the rooms to which you later want to import your manual power measurements.
Enter a file name for your power measurements template file, and make a note of the location in which you save it.
In your file system, open the template file, and enter your manual power measurements into it to ensure the format is accepted by IT Advisor, and save your changes.
Import the file with your measurements into ITA.
Reopen the import wizard in ITA (File>Import>Manual Power Measurements from Excel Workbook), and in Import settings, browse to the location of your import file, select it, then click Next to review the import preview.
If the preview list shows data that will be excluded from the import because of issues encountered, click Save log file... and review your Excel file again, fixing issues causing the errors before attempting a new import.
When you're sure that the import preview looks as it should, click Finish to complete the import.
Measurements that are less than 24 hours old might not be completely processed by ITA, and will not be used for the Predicted Power calculations until they have been processed.
Every 24 hours ITA looks at the measurements received during the last day and aggregates the data. To ensure stable values in the predicted power calculations, data will not be used before they have been aggregated.