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EcoStruxure IT forum
Schneider Electric support forum about installation and configuration for DCIM including EcoStruxure IT Expert, IT Advisor, Data Center Expert, and NetBotz
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As an FYI, 7.9.3 is at the end of life (currently 8.2, 8.1, and 8.0 are supported as per the End of Life policy). You will want to look into getting up-to-date with your software to remain on a fully supported version.
Was anything done to the server before the issue started, such as starting a software update?
Is there any specific error message presented on the web interface or just a loading screen? You can add a screenshot if you are able to obtain one to give us more details on the issue.
It looks like you may be running a Data Center Expert virtual appliance. I would start by looking at the resources of the VM and ensuring that you are at or above the recommended resources. Also, please attempt another computer or an incognito window to see if the issue is affecting all connections, or just a single connection.
It is recommended that you have an additional hard drive defined after the OVA is deployed. Based on your version, it is possible that you only have an 18GB drive if you have not added an additional drive.
NOTE: Expanding existing drives is not supported, and an additional drive must be added.
Once you verify that the system has an adequate amount of CPU, RAM, and disk space, I would then recommend you to reach out to technical support so that they can work with you to investigate further why the software is not starting up or to guide you through a recovery process of deploying a new VM and bringing in a backup. They should be able to work with you on what the best option would be.
For security and privacy reasons, we ask that log files not be provided via the forum, which is why a recommendation to work with support on this case is made. However, if you are looking at getting back up ASAP and you have a backup, a viable option for recovery would be to deploy the 7.9.3 OVA again, adjust the RAM, CPU, and add an additional hard disk, and then bring in a backup. If the MAC address changes, technical support will need to be contacted to adjust licensing to the new MAC.