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The EcoStruxure IT Expert - API gives users a way to integrate EcoStruxure IT into their own environments. Its functionalities allow users to maintain a local data store or to build applications that react to changes in their critical infrastructure.
The APIs grant access to:
Locations All locations created in EcoStruxure IT.
Devices All discovered devices, including the most relevant device properties, relationships to other devices, and locations.
Alarms All alarms generated by devices or threshold configurations, including information about the alarm’s lifetime and severity, and a reference to the originating device.
Sensors All device sensors, including unit, label, and a reference to the parent device.
Measurements Measurements for device sensors.
For everything except measurements, the APIs allow users to:
Retrieve a snapshot of their "State of the World", retrieving all existing devices, locations, and sensors as well as all active or recently cleared alarms.
Poll for changes to get the changes that have occurred since the last snapshot or poll.
For measurements, the APIs allow users to:
Stream live measurements where a connection is kept alive and measurements are sent as they become available from the time at which the connection was established.
Replay measurements that were missed because of a short period of being disconnected from the live measurement stream.
The APIs are relevant both for customers who monitor their own environment and partners who monitor infrastructure environments on behalf of their customers.
IT Expert API technical documentation
You can download detailed API documentation and a technical breakdown of the various features and example programs that demonstrate the proper usage here: