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Posted: 2019-11-06 12:40 PM . Last Modified: 2023-05-03 12:27 AM
>>Message imported from previous forum - Category:ClearSCADA Software<<
User: mhd_alm, originally posted: 2019-03-06 17:51:56 Id:377
Hey all,
I'd like to start a conversation about manipulating CDBHistoric, a native and protected ClearSCADA table, using common SQL server clients. This article shows how to connect MS SQL Server Management Studio via "Linked Servers":
Can CDBHistoric table be updated or inserted into with the same method mentioned in this article? If no, what's the alternative, and if yes, what are the limitations or cautions?
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Posted: 2019-11-06 12:40 PM
>>Responses imported from previous forum
Reply From User: du5tin, posted: 2019-03-06 17:58:18
CDBHISTORIC is a special table. Because ClearSCADA offers a proper audit log on history the data in CDBHISTORIC is not easily edited via normal database tools. Changes must be made through regular points, script, automation api, etc.
I do know you can bulk load csv files with history for points. Or use the Automation API in a C# app to bulk load values from a database. I have some code for this (moving history from one DB to another).
If you're trying to modify a lot of records on the fly with external DB tools I haven't found a good way to do this. But arguably... is the SCADA host historian the best place to do that modification? Shouldn't that be handled in a system downstream so SCADA can be the operational tool and not the data analytics tool?
What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe that will get the ideas flowing a bit better.
Reply From User: mhd_alm, posted: 2019-03-06 18:24:22
[at]du5tin said:
I do know you can bulk load csv files with history for points. Or use the Automation API in a C# app to bulk load values from a database. I have some code for this (moving history from one DB to another).
This sounds like what I'm trying to achieve here... bulk loading historic values from a DB. I'm dealing with this situation: there's a gap in CDBHISTORIC data due to hardware failure, however there is a parallel data logging system of which data can be used to "repair" ClearSCADA history. Or at least this is what I can think of in order to utilize data logger's data without losing convenience of ClearSCADA trending function.
[at]du5tin said:
If you're trying to modify a lot of records on the fly with external DB tools I haven't found a good way to do this. But arguably... is the SCADA host historian the best place to do that modification? Shouldn't that be handled in a system downstream so SCADA can be the operational tool and not the data analytics tool?
I totally agree with you on this point. SCADA historian better be left with the job it's designed for.
Reply From User: mhd_alm, posted: 2019-03-06 23:02:23
For anyone who's interested, here's the CSV loader [at]du5tin mentioned above:
looks like a suitable option for my need.
Reply From User: adamwoodland, posted: 2019-03-13 01:41:52
Regarding the protected status of CDBHistoric (and friends such as CDBEventJournal), a lot of the larger customer contracts for the projects we deliver have specific requirements regarding the protection of this data to stop users, deliberate or accidentally, deleting key information.
Of course if you have admin access to the servers themselves you can do some serious damage, but that is (or should be!) a very limited set of people.
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Posted: 2019-11-06 12:40 PM
>>Responses imported from previous forum
Reply From User: du5tin, posted: 2019-03-06 17:58:18
CDBHISTORIC is a special table. Because ClearSCADA offers a proper audit log on history the data in CDBHISTORIC is not easily edited via normal database tools. Changes must be made through regular points, script, automation api, etc.
I do know you can bulk load csv files with history for points. Or use the Automation API in a C# app to bulk load values from a database. I have some code for this (moving history from one DB to another).
If you're trying to modify a lot of records on the fly with external DB tools I haven't found a good way to do this. But arguably... is the SCADA host historian the best place to do that modification? Shouldn't that be handled in a system downstream so SCADA can be the operational tool and not the data analytics tool?
What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe that will get the ideas flowing a bit better.
Reply From User: mhd_alm, posted: 2019-03-06 18:24:22
[at]du5tin said:
I do know you can bulk load csv files with history for points. Or use the Automation API in a C# app to bulk load values from a database. I have some code for this (moving history from one DB to another).
This sounds like what I'm trying to achieve here... bulk loading historic values from a DB. I'm dealing with this situation: there's a gap in CDBHISTORIC data due to hardware failure, however there is a parallel data logging system of which data can be used to "repair" ClearSCADA history. Or at least this is what I can think of in order to utilize data logger's data without losing convenience of ClearSCADA trending function.
[at]du5tin said:
If you're trying to modify a lot of records on the fly with external DB tools I haven't found a good way to do this. But arguably... is the SCADA host historian the best place to do that modification? Shouldn't that be handled in a system downstream so SCADA can be the operational tool and not the data analytics tool?
I totally agree with you on this point. SCADA historian better be left with the job it's designed for.
Reply From User: mhd_alm, posted: 2019-03-06 23:02:23
For anyone who's interested, here's the CSV loader [at]du5tin mentioned above:
looks like a suitable option for my need.
Reply From User: adamwoodland, posted: 2019-03-13 01:41:52
Regarding the protected status of CDBHistoric (and friends such as CDBEventJournal), a lot of the larger customer contracts for the projects we deliver have specific requirements regarding the protection of this data to stop users, deliberate or accidentally, deleting key information.
Of course if you have admin access to the servers themselves you can do some serious damage, but that is (or should be!) a very limited set of people.
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Posted: 2020-10-01 12:01 AM
Thanks for this. My use case is a bit different; I have CSV files of calculated data on site. I'd like to load the CSV files into the ClearSCADA historian on a regular repeated basis, e.g. every day at 9 pm. Is there a way of automating / scripting this so that doesn't require mouse clicks?
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Posted: 2020-10-01 08:20 PM
@Anonymous user Create a new thread to ask your question in.
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