EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Expert Forum
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Posted: 2019-11-05 01:29 PM . Last Modified: 2023-05-03 12:35 AM
>>Message imported from previous forum - Category:ClearSCADA Software<<
User: florian, originally posted: 2018-10-25 16:41:51 Id:242
This is a re-posting from the obsoleted (October 2018) "Schneider Electric Telemetry & SCADA" forum.
**_Hi All,_**
**_I'm curious about analog point setting on ClearSCADA._**
**_So let's say that I have analog input on the PLC which connected to CS using modbus communication. I have this kind of properties of the analog input:_**
**_1. Transmitter realtime value_**
**_2. Minimum value of analog input_**
**_3. Maximum value of analog input_**
**_4. Alarm value for High and Low_**
**_So in the PLC I have to assign these 5 properties with 5 pair of holding register, let's say :_**
**_1. 40001 & 40002 for Transmitter realtime value_**
**_2. 40003 & 40004 for Minimum value_**
**_3. 40005 & 40006 for Maximum value_**
**_4. 40007 & 40008 for Low Alarm value_**
**_5. 40009 & 40010 for High Alarm value_**
**_From these 5 pair register I need to make 5 analog input point on ClearSCADA, and here is the problem :_**
**_On ClearSCADA, the properties of analog point must have its own alarm limits and honestly it is very annoying to fill each of this value eventhough I don't use each of analog point properties._**
**_For example, for realtime value I have to fill in its Zero Scale and Full Scale. For minimum value and maximum value also I have to fill in its Zero Scale and Full Scale, the same with Low Alarm and High Alarm value._**
**_Is there any way to make this process become more simple? Because if it is just a couple of analog point it's OK, but if it's more than 100 or even more than that surely it is very annoying to check on every details in which we don't need that._**
1. You can use the Bulk Edit tool if you are using ClearSCADA 2014 or greater. It is a seperate installer on the ClearSCADA installation disk.
The Bulk Edit user Guide is in the start menu, you might find helpful.
There are two basic editing functions Bulk Edit does. Edit Property settings in any object in the database, and edit Property Overrides in the template(s).
There is a bug in Bulk Edit at startup. It starts up with the template database tree that is for editing property overrides but loads the code to edit the object properties. So to get it to behave right, when you first start it, you have to select which form of editing you want to do.
On the button toolbar the first button has the ClearSCADA database Icon, and is for Logout and Reload Database, the second button loads the Properties editing, and the third button loads the Property override editing.
2. There is also a Excel tool available on the Resource Center's Tools and Samples page at:
Scroll down to 'Spreadsheet-based Configuration Import Tool'.
I have not used it but it might get you what you want.
3. elfstyle made and excel add-in called instances creator That I believe will let you quickly do what you want. I have not used it so I can't say exactly how it works.
4. If your points always the same like in an instance of a Template you could add a mimic to the Template and put a button that run scripts and write VBScript that asks opens a form and asks what you want to set them to and then make it write the values to all the points. This one requires knowing how to read and write properties from the points in the Database.
This should help you if you are going to try using a script
_Option Explicit_
_Function GenFuelPercentLow_
_Dim frmEditBox, frmOKButton, frmCancelButton_
_Form.Init "Set Fuel Low Percentage Alarm"_
_Form.AddStaticText 2,1, "Set Fuel Low Percentage Alarm"_
_Set frmEditBox = Form.AddEditBox(2,3,10,1)_
_frmEditBox.MaxLength = 10_
_frmEditBox.Align = 0_
_frmEditBox.Value = Server.GetOPCValue("...IO.AI.Generator Fuel Percent.LowLimitStd")_
_Set frmOKButton = Form.AddPushButton(25,3,"OK")_
_frmOKButton.Default = True_
_Set frmCancelButton = Form.AddPushButton(40,3,"Cancel")_
_If Form.Selection = "OK" Then_
_Server.SetOPCValue "...IO.AI.Generator Fuel Percent.LowLimitStd", Round(Cint(frmEditBox.Value))_
_If Round(Cint(frmEditBox.Value)) = 0 Then_
_Server.SetOPCValue "...IO.AI.Generator Fuel Percent.LowSeverityType", 0_
_Server.SetOPCValue "...IO.AI.Generator Fuel Percent.LowSeverityType", 2_
_End If_
_End If_
_End Function_
A template containing all six points could be used, so that all properties are defined once only.
If each instance has different full and zero scale values common to the six points, then you can use the new parameterisation feature of templates and enter these values only once.
If unused, alarm limits should be set to full and zero scale values.
A different approach is to use a single PLC register for the value, and use ClearSCADA's alarms and Min/Max Accumulators for the other values.
Is there a way to write to an template instance's parameters via script or the automation interface? Or do you need to open the instance properties in ViewX to edit those?
I am not aware that template parameters are exposed to the APIs. Anyone else?
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Posted: 2021-10-28 02:38 AM . Last Modified: 2022-10-19 01:19 AM
Link to spreadsheet tool now at:
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