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For details on upgrading the UPS Network Management Card (NMC) firmware, see the User Guide.
New Features
New Feature
There is no new feature in this release.
Security update
The customized .ini file name may optionally contain a CRC32 for integrity checking of the .ini file before processing.
Fixed Issues
Fixed Issue
The UPS fault alarm is now triggered only if there is a valid fault code received from UPS.
The External battery pack alarm text “battery pack X first level over voltage” is now changed to “Battery pack x full charged”.
Newly added External battery pack alarms are now translated to other languages such as Japanese, German, Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Korean.
The first login banner message in NMC Web UI is now changed from "This Network Management Card includes a 12-month Support Contract. Firmware upgrades after this period will require an NMC Support Contract. See for more information" to "This Network Management Card includes a 1-year Secure NMC Subscription. Firmware upgrades after this period will require the purchase and activation of a new Secure NMC Subscription. Learn more at"
The word site map is now correctly translated to the German language.
Fake alarm will not get logged when the configurations are changed through config.ini
Scheduled shutdown is now not triggered when Signal PowerChute Network Shutdown Clients is enabled.
When configuring a scheduled shutdown, now Signal PowerChute Network Shutdown Clients can be disabled and Turn Back On can be set immediately.
Security update
The following security vulnerability has been addressed in this release:
CWE-863: Incorrect Authorization.
The Network-Only user can only perform actions in the Web UI relevant to the user access level.
Known Issues
Known Issue
The Temperature and Humidity related information is displayed in the Help sections of CLI and Web UI, even though Temperature and Humidity sensors are not supported with AP9811.
AP9811 'Output Relay 2’ parameter values can only be configured using Web UI and SNMP and not via CLI.
It is not recommended to change the Normal State of Input Contact from default Open state.
The firmware version and model number are not displayed in CLI when AP9811 is connected first time to NMC. It is recommended to disconnect and re-connect AP9811 to NMC in order to read the AP9811 firmware version and model number.
‘Put UPS in Bypass’ command is not available in the Device control commands of the I/O Contact Control Policy page.
Events related to Input dry contact and Output relay are displayed only in English language in all NMC interfaces.
AP9811 Input dry contact Events are not supported in PCNS.
The word “name” and “Vx-rail cluster shutdown error” is only available in English language.
“UPS: Deleted a One-Time scheduled shutdown” Event is not correctly translated in Japanese language.
Battery pack related events, "Battery pack x full charge" & "Battery pack x remains fully charged" are available only in English language.
Some unwanted characters are displayed when Event logs are viewed in French language.
Events are not logged for enabling and disabling of Bypass when UPS OFF & Bypass Not allowed configuration settings.
During Scheduled Shutdown of UPS, the graceful shutdown of UPS doesn't end at the configured time.
Note: This issue is specific to SRV15KUXI-IN.
Runtime Calibration does not perform as expected due to discrepancies between the Nominal battery voltage and the Rated battery voltage.
Note: This issue is specific to SRVSPM5KRI.
When the Runtime Calibration is performed for SRVPM6KRI unit, it does not undergo the Runtime Calibration and displays the critical alarm "The battery is not installed properly” even while the battery is connected.