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One of the ways to integrate with external systems is using the Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) system. TheETLsystem creates databases that can be accessed directly by 3rd party tools and solutions. It also allows scheduled execution of transformation scripts on the IT Advisorserver. Together this gives the ability to extract and enter data on the ITAserver.
Based on theETLsystem, it is possible to develop custom solutions, integrating ITA with a broad range of data sources.
ETL can be used in 2 ways: ImportingData in to and ExportingData from IT Advisor.
Importing data
Importing data into IT Advisoris used whenever data must be provided to ITA. The data is being imported via theETL Import Database. There are 2 ways of importing data. One where"Data is Ready"and one where"Data needs change"before being used in ITA.
Data is Ready When data is ready the only thing that must be done is setting up the integration between the external system providing data and ITA. This is done at database level. The integration is configured using the server configuration interface and can be foundhere
Data needs change When data needs to be changed/modified before it is used inside ITAthis can be done using a transformation or a set of transformations called a job. More informationhere Once transformation(s) are in place the integration is configured using the server configuration interface and can be found here
Exporting data
Exporting data from IT Advisoris used when ever data is used outside ITA. The data is exported using theETL Export Database. The data exported from IT Advisorcannot be changed by transformations inside the ITA server. If transformation is needed this must be done outside the server in a separate setup.
Setting up the export is done using the server configuration interface as describedhere
Upgrading ETL external system integration
No files (or databases) will be deleted when upgrading/restoring an ITAsystem. Upgrade of the ETL system is a part of the general ITAupgrade.
When upgrading an existing solution running ETL for importing and/or exporting data to ITAa couple of guidelines are:
Both import and export databases are viewed as "api-like" interface to the system.
At any point in time the data in the import and/or export database represents the currently best known state of the system.
The ETL databases do not contain the sole instance of any piece of data.
This means thatit is always safe to drop any ETL database and recreate it without the risk of losing data.
Since no data is stored in the ETL database, it is highly recommended to drop the databases and recreate them rather than moving them. This will allow databases to follow potential new database schema(s). To use the old databases, these must be moved manually which is not recommended.
When upgrading from previous versions the old transformation files will be moved into the folder /data/pentaho_backup. The transformation files must manually be moved from /data/pentaho_backup into a potential new folder structure (described below).
Restoring an old backup will place transformation files in the same structure as they were in the backed up system. Please note this might not be the correct folder structure since the structure has changed between versions.
Note: When moving/copying files into the new folder structure make sure to preserve the ownership of the folders in order for the future script to be added and executed.
The transformation files must be placed in their respective folders on the ITAserver.
The transformation files folder structure on the ITAserver is/data/pentaho/exportor/data/pentaho/import. You can find more information about the ETL Transformationhere.