Unable to use the “Contact Open” nor the “Battery Low” statuses of a SED-WDC-G-5045 on EBO.
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Building Operation Workstation
- Building Operation Automation Server Premium
The SED-WDC-G-5045 points (Contact Open, Battery Low and others) are not exposed individually but in a string of 10 points, bit 0 to bit 9.
1. Add a: New object / Program / Script program.
2. Rename it to identify it, in this example it has been renamed Script program SED
3. Right-click on it, click on Edit, Script Editor window will open
4. Paste the below 4-lines script
5. Save
6. Change the “Type” from “Floating” to “Boolean”
7. Save
8. Close Script Editor window
Numeric input IASZone
Numeric output ContactOpen, BatteryLow
ContactOpen = (IASZone Bitand 2 ^ 0) > 0
BatteryLow = (IASZone Bitand 2 ^ 3) > 0
9. Right-click on “Script Program SED”, click on “Edit bindings”
10. Drag the “IAS Zone” point and drop it on the “Input / IASZone” bindingSave
12. Create a Digital Value
13. Bind it to the Contact Status point from the” Script Program SED” output.
14. Save