Xenta 102-AX space temperature sensor calibration offset can be set through Vista Workstation. If using degrees Fahrenheit, it is helpful to change the units on that value from "°F" to "°F, diff" to eliminate the 32° offset and make it more intuitive to the user.
- Xenta 102-AX
- Vista Workstation
- Classic Network
- UCPTvavSelection.CSS
0°C (whether a temperature value or an offset value) converts to 32°F. If referring to an offset value, the units of °F, diff eliminate this 32° offset.
- Navigate to the VAV in the network structure in Workstation
- Go to VAV_Controller and find UCPTvavSelection.CSS
- Double click the value
Click on the Unit field and choose °F, diff from the drop down menu
- Click OK
Open the value again, now enter any desired calibration offset for the space temperature.