While attempting to import files to through WorkStation or libraries from the Script Editor, the program crashes with the error message below. It can even happen when doing mass create or mass change, or when adding columns to a list view.
"StruxureWare Building Operation has stopped working"
Building Operation WorkStation
Building Operation Script Editor
It has been identified that a program called "F-Secure Key" interferes with other installed programs, and can ultimately leed to other programs crashing.
"F-Secure Key" hooks into the Microsoft dll "UIAutomationCore.dll" which is used to idenitfy and manipulate elements in the user interface.
If "F-Secure Key" is installed, it can easily be identified, as you will see a blue circle with a key when logging in through WorkStation
Uninstall all "F-Secure Key" related program from "Programs and Features" in the Control Panel on the PC