Without a Niagara R2 UNC, Enterprise Server, or MNB-1000 on a BACnet/MSTP network, can the MNB controllers communicate reliably peer-to-peer (i.e. sharing outside air temperature between multiple MNB-300 controllers)?
MNB-300 controllers
Some site would like to avoid the use of Niagara R2 UNC, Enterprise Server, or MNB-1000.
Yes. The implementation of COV subscriptions in the MNB controller line, with the 1.4x (or greater) firmware, allows for every MNB controller to function as both a COV server and a COV client. This allows peer-to-peer communications between all MNB controller models.
To create peer-to-peer links, review Chapter 4 in the WorkPlace Commissioning Tool and Flow Balance Users Guide (F-27358) that details how to use Link Builder.