Wiring detail using STR602 temperature sensor inc. remote adjust with a CXR5805 Controller
CXR 5605
The STR datasheet instructions are not clear, it details terminals 22, 23 and 24 and not what each terminal is for e.g. 0V Com, Setpoint, 'C.
The CXR5805 User Guide details the old part numbers.
The STR602 combines the RPW4425 and DRT3453 into one temperature and setpoint unit. The STR602 is a 3 wire device using a common 0V between the setpoint adjust potentiometer and the temperature sensing thermistor.
The terminations are
STR602 term 22 (Setpoint)
STR602 term 23 (Temp 'C)
STR602 term 24 (0Vcom)
And if used on a CXR5805
STR602 term 22 (Setpoint) is wired to term 5 on the CXR5805
STR602 term 23 (Temp 'C) is wired to term 22 on the CXR5805
STR602 term 24 (0Vcom) is wired to term 27 on the CXR5805
Link terminals 6 and 27 on the CXR5805