What are the effects of points that are flagged for export on a wireless bus.
Continuum wireless solution
Information on points export over wireless bus.
If there are many points configured on a wireless bus that are having their values exported it could have an adverse effect on the bus stability. The reason for this is because if a point is exported every time the value of that point changes even if it is only set for export due to an alarm it can overwhelm the wireless network. Wireless network exports are not broadcast messages like Wired Infinet, they are point to point communications similar to Bacnet exports. The way to limit this amount of traffic is to put thresholds on the points that are exported. When adding a threshold the point's value will only be sent out on the bus when the value change exceeds the threshold value. It is important to add this threshold to alarmed points if they are analog type points, because the exports will happen every value change, not just when the alarm goes active.