After a specific date, trend log values are no longer transferred to the report server.
In the table tbEventLogs, the column NumberOfRecords continously shows over 50000
Web Reports
For a currently unknown reason, at some point a mismatch between index sequence numbers and time stamps has occured, and therefore the same log values are attempted transferred over and over again.
The reporting agent needs to be set up to read more records to get over trouble
1: Open the file "SE.WebReports.StruxureWareReportingAgent.exe.config" located in the reporting agent installation directory. Use notepad or similar.
2: Edit the line containing "numLogTimeRecordToRead"
3: Restart the agent
4: Wait until the column NumberOfRecords in the table tbEventLogs shows a number lower than 20000
5: Change the value back from 20000 to 5000 in the config file
6: Restart the agent