How many time schedules (time objects, TSCH, TSCHI) can be added to TAC Xenta programmable devices?
TAC Xenta 301, 302, 401, 281, 282, 283
TAC Xenta 527, 511, 711, 721, 731, 701
The limits for schedules are not clearly documented for all types of TAC Xenta controllers.
The TAC Xenta 7xx can handle 50 time objects with 50 week and 50 holiday schedules in each.
The limit for the TAC Xenta 28x controllers are one TSCH block with max 16 week/holiday charts.
There is no fixed limit of TSCH blocks you can add to a TAC Xenta 30x/40x. The limit is the available memory in the controller. The more times you allow for (max. week/holiday charts) in each block, the more memory it uses.