When adding a physical layer Xenta repeater, or Loytec smart-switch, to split a single channel into multiple segments, there is no need to represent that repeater/smart-switch in the LON network. It will be invisible to the LNS database, and will function only on the physical layer.
LON Network with more than 64 devices on a single segment
Xenta Repeater, Loytec Smart-Switch
A single LON segment can have up to 64 devices (though a conservative recommendation is typically closer to 50). A segment is a single LON wire that is separated from another segment either by a physical layer repeater, smart-switch, or router. A channel can have up to 3 segments separated by a repeater with a limitation of 128 devices (or nodes) total on the channel.
There is no need to represent a physical layer repeater/smart-switch on the LON drawing or in the LNS network. It will be operating on the physical layer either amplifying signals or filtering noise and bad data, and repeating messages on the wire. The LON network will only see a single channel without any indication that there are 2 segments, other than the fact that there may be more than 64 devices on that channel.