SevenReports times out OR only collects data based on two criteria - 1.first five seconds 2. cannot display over five hundred values and fails to create a full report.
I/NET Seven using SevenReports on Windows based PC.
Seven Reports times out when collecting data from the database.
Editing the OS Registry is like having brain surgery. Be careful and clear in your actions. Administrative rights are required.
Go to Start\Run and type Regedit drill down on left side folders and follow these steps:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objectives\Suite11.0\Crystal Reports Designer Component\DatabaseServer
- BrowseTimeout which should currently have the numerical value: 5
- Double click, select Decimal, and change value data to the numerical value: 0
- MaxNBrowseValues which should currently have the numerical value: 500
- Double click, select Decimal, and change value data to the numerical value: 0
- Exit Registry editor and reboot the operating system.
- This changes the SevenReports to not time out and allowance of over five hundred values.