Sending nvoSpaceTemp to nviSpaceTemp in TAC Xenta 102-AX does not work even if we are using SCPTmaxSendTime and SCPTmaxrcvTime.
TAC Xenta 102-AX
SCPTmaxSendTime of 60 means that the value is sent at least once every 60 second.
SCPTminSendTime of 10 means that you could not send more often than once every 10th second.
But, SCPTmaxRcvTime of 10 means that if the device has not got a new update within 10 seconds of the latest value, the value goes back to default value.
SCPTmaxRcvTime in the receiver has to be set to at least longer than the SCPTmaxSendTime in the sender, to avoid timing issues, there the receiver resets its value before the sender sends out a new value.