Insufficient information for the STR602 terminal detail / assignment
The installation instructions does not give insufficient information regarding the connections of a STR602 sensor.
The STR602 combines the RPW4425 and DRT3453 into one temperature and setpoint unit. The STR602 is a 3 wire device using a common 0V between the setpoint adjust potentiometer and the temperature sensing negative co-efficient thermistor.
The terminations are:
STR602 term 22 (Setpoint)
STR602 term 23 (Temp 'C)
STR602 term 24 (0Vcom) - this is the common of both the temperature sensor and the setpoint potentiometer.
Setpoint Resistance (for BAS/Sigma use Lookup table 1, for SmartStruxure use the Satchwell thermistor )
Sensor Resistance (for BAS/Sigma use Lookup table 1, for SmartStruxure use the Satchwell thermistor )