Remote Factory Reset of SmartX IP controller MPX RPC IPIO
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Building Operation Multi-purpose Controller
- Building Operation Multi-purpose VAV
- Building Operation Room Controller (RPC)
- Building Operation EasyLogic RP-C
- Building Operation EasyLogic RP-V
- Building Operation EasyLogic RP IO Expansion Module
- Building Operation EasyLogic MP-C
From v3.1 there is a facility to remotely Factory Reset a SpaceLogic BACnet/IP devices (formerly known as SmartX) and EasyLogic BACnet MS/TP devices.
A quick look at the process and what versions of SmartX controller firmware are required
Remote Factory Reset fails if the Controller is at v2.00.
Remote Factory Reset operates correctly if the Controller is at v3.00 or higher.
A Remote Factory Reset on a Controller with Static IP is best avoided. Although a Factory Reset is now possible, it should not be considered standard work process, but it shows that using DHCP serving of IP addresses does have advantage if a factory reset is required.