How to free the elevator floors for free access when a door time schedule will not.
- I/NET Elevator control
- 7920
- MR-88R
- DIO 7940
Elevator control design.
- If you only have a few floors, you could use a 7920's extra outputs in series or parallel with the floor outputs. Then attach a time schedule to them.
- If you have many floors, use the outputs of an MR-88R or a DIO 7940 in the same way.
- You might also use a single spare output as a connection to the elevator controls. Arrange with the elevator tech that when the contact is open, the floors are free. Closed contact means we control them. Then he configures his relays and such to accomplish it.
- If you prefer not to add any wiring or extra outputs, you might use a combination of AIC, events, etc. Check out Tech Tip G066 (if you can find it) for some ideas.