What is the proper way to program an ADAA Modem for use on an I/NET Seven system?
- I/NET Seven version 2.01 and above
- USR 56k Modems
Provide an ADAA modem on a site.
- Go to the Control Panel of the PC.
Select Phone and Modem Options
Select the Modem tab and the Properties button.
Select the Advanced tab.
Under Extra Settings, add the Extra initialization commands: ATZ
Choose the Change Default Preferences... button
Change the Data Connection Preferences under the General tab to:
- Port speed: 9600
- Data Protocol: Standard ED
- Compression: Disabled
Flow control: None
Choose the Advanced tab
Change the Hardware Settings to:
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
Modulation: Standard
For 9600 Baud US Robotics 56k Modem Strings, click here
For 19200 Baud US Robotics 56k Modem Strings, click here